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Estate Planning

Estate Planning & Probate

We understand that making end-of-life decisions and planning for asset distribution can be confusing and stressful.

At the RMVAP, our Estate Planning services are offered on a sliding scale basis to veterans and current service members to give you and your family peace-of-mind around these issues. We also offer Probate services to assist families in navigating the court process after a loved one has passed away.

Please note, our Estate Planning and Probate services are limited to clients in Colorado at this time.

Estate Planning Services FAQs

  • What does your Estate Planning package include?

    Our standard estate planning package includes the following documents: last will and testament, general durable power of attorney, medical power of attorney, and a living will (also called a medical directive). 

    • Your Last Will and Testament directs where your assets go upon your death.
    • Your General Durable Power of Attorney allows your loved ones to help you manage your assets while you are alive if anything should happen to you.
    • Your Medical Power of Attorney allows your loved ones to help make medical decisions for you if you are unable.
    • Your Living Will (Medical Directive) lets your loved ones know what you want to happen at the end of your life if you can’t make those preferences known at that time.

    Sometimes, if you have minor children or more complex assets a revocable trust is a good option.

    • A Revocable Trust is a living document that helps avoid probate. Like a Will, it dictates where your property goes when you die but also lets you control how and when it is distributed. Additionally, it helps protect your assets while you are alive.

    Whether you need just one of these documents, are updating old documents, or looking to start the process for the first time, our attorneys will help create a plan that’s specific to you and your needs.

  • Do you offer probate services?

    Losing a loved one is hard enough, dealing with the court is the last thing on your mind. Whether you need help getting started, step by step, or just with the most technical of documents, our compassionate attorneys will guide you through the process and help ease your mind so you can focus on the more important things.

    Typical probate services include:

    • Opening the estate – formally or informally
    • Inventory/Accountings
    • Publication and claims
    • Closing the estate

  • Why should I choose to hire an attorney for my Estate Planning?

    Your assets and needs in your Estate Plan are as complicated and unique as you are. Will forms you find online are too generic to fully encompass your wishes and can make your incapacity and passing difficult for your loved ones. These forms also won’t care about your military service or include your benefits in your plan.

    Drafting a Will yourself is risky. Your Will may be determined invalid and have no control over how your assets are divided. Your wishes could be overruled by state law.

    Our attorneys are experienced working with veterans to develop a unique plan within state law so your wishes are honored. We recognize your service and help incorporate your benefits in your plan. 

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