The logo for the rocky mountain veterans advocacy project




Frequently Asked Questions

See some common questions and answers below, or call us at (720) 253-0963

  • Why do I need an attorney?

    The Veterans Affairs’ system is complicated and time-consuming to navigate. An attorney will ensure that your claims are complete and adhere to all applicable legal standards. 

  • If represented, what is your process of communication?

    The RMVAP handles everything through phone, email, fax and/or regular mail. We will provide you with routine updates regarding the status of your case and be available to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

  • What are your fees?

    The RMVAP evaluates each case based on income level and ability to pay. In cases involving VA appeals, we may charge a contingency fee, which means you will not have to pay us unless we win your case. Our lawyers generally operate under a contingent fee arrangement for 20% of any past-due benefits you receive during our representation. Discharge Upgrade fees are determined on a sliding scale basis. While the fees recovered for discharge upgrades and successful VA claims are used to support the RMVAP’s mission, fee reduction or pro bono opportunities may be discussed during your initial consultation.

  • How long does it take to resolve a case?

    The amount of time it takes to resolve a case varies. Depending on the type of case, and where it currently is in the process, it can take anywhere from within a year to several years. Given that it can be a drawn-out process, it is important to remain patient. 

  • How should I begin?

    Fill out and submit our online application form with all requested information. Once we have received your information, an attorney will review it and contact you to discuss it and let you know if we will be able to assist you. Please be as specific as possible when answering these questions, as it will greatly assist in our efforts to serve you.  

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