The logo for the rocky mountain veterans advocacy project



RMVAP in the News

The sun is setting behind the dome of a building
By Luke Gruber August 14, 2024
For the RMVAP's unwavering commitment to ethics, professionalism, education, access to justice, community service, and the promotion of charitable causes, to support U.S. military veterans.
A man is giving a speech at a podium that says swedish math
By Luke Gruber August 14, 2024
PMI pledges $350,000 over two years to the Rocky Mountain Veterans Advocacy Project to help veterans access the benefits and care they deserve
A bunch of flags hanging on a pole one of which says united states of america
By Sturm College of Law November 11, 2020
Clinic has recovered more than $16.2 million for Colorado veterans.
A poster for the veterans advocacy project
By Sturm College of Law November 9, 2018
Clinic has recovered more than $7.2 million for Colorado veterans
A bald man with a beard is wearing a blue sweater.
By Josh Neimark May 11, 2018
The Veterans Advocacy Project legal clinic, operating out of the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver, provides critical legal services to returning veterans, to help prevent them from slipping through the cracks. See how they use Clio to ensure consistency of service and do the best job they can assisting one of the most vulnerable groups in the nation. Source: Clio Youtube Channel
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