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Claims We Handle

Gulf War Veteran Presumptive Conditions

What are Gulf War presumptive conditions?

If you served in theater in Southwest Asia, certain illnesses and conditions are considered “presumptive diseases” by the VA. In order to qualify, the following three conditions must apply: 


  1. Your illness or condition must have been diagnosed while on Active Duty, or before December 31, 2021
  2. The condition must have been occurring for at least 6 months, at a disability level of 10% or greater
  3. The presumptive disease qualifies as a functional gastrointestinal disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or “other undiagnosed illness” 


While the VA has not provided an exact list of what constitutes an “undiagnosed illness,” veterans have been service-connected for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), headaches, sleep disorders, skin conditions, muscle and joint pain, and unexplained weight loss. If these symptoms apply to you, and you are a Gulf War veteran, we can help.

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