The logo for the rocky mountain veterans advocacy project



Claims We Handle

Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

What is MST?

The VA defines MST as “sexual assault or repeated, threateneing sexual harrasment that happened while a Veteran was in the military.” MST includes any sexual activity that you are involved with against your will, and MST can happen to both women and men. The VA considers MST to be the traumatic event or experience itself. Therefore, a veteran cannot be service connected for MST, but she/he can be granted service connection for conditions resulting from MST, including PTSD.

What are the long-term impacts of MST?

Years after trauma has occurred, MST may negatively impact a veteran’s mental and physical health. Long-term symptoms may include:

  • Distressing memories or nightmares
  • Difficulty feeling safe
  • An unhealthy relationship with alcohol and/or drugs
  • Feelings of isolation or depression
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Physical health problems

What is required to obtain disability compensation for MST?

You are eligible for VA disability compensation if: (1) you experience MST while on active duty, (2) you are currently diagnosed with a mental or physical disability, and (3) MST is the cause of that disability.

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