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Claims We Handle

Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

What is TDIU?

If you are unable to work due to a service-connected disability, you may be eligible for a 100% disability compensation rate even if your service-connected disability is rated under 100%.

What is the benefit amount of TDIU?

As of December 2020, the benefit amount for TDIU is $3,146.42, which is equivalent to the highest scheduler benefit amount available. This amount increases for veterans with spouses or dependents.

How do I become eligible for TDIU?

When applying for a TDIU rating, the VA will look to see if you meet both of the following requirements:

You have at least one service-connected disability rated at 60% or higher, or two or more service-connected disabilities with at least one rated at 40% or higher and a combined rating of 70% of higher; and 

You are unable to maintain substantially gainful employment due to your service-connected disability. The term “substantially gainful employment” is typically used by the VA to refer to employment for which an individual is earning above the poverty level. 


If your service-connected disability does not meet the rating thresholds listed above, you may still be eligible for TDIU. The VA grants TDIU on an extra-schedular basis for veterans who are able to demonstrate their service-connected disability renders them unable to maintain substantially gainful employment, despite not meeting the percentage threshold. Under these circumstances, the VA is required to consider assigning an extra-schedular rating of 100%. In determining whether to assign an extra-schedular rating of 100%, the VA will look to see if your case presents the kind exceptional or unusual disability picture that would render the application of the regular scheduler standards impractical. As part of this determination, the VA will consider certain factors, including marked interference with employment or frequent periods of hospitalization.

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